Visit our winery.
We will wait for you.

Visita la bodega Dominio de la Vega en Requena - Valencia

Get to know a destination from within, from its center.

In Dominio de la Vega we like it when you visit us. We think it’s very important so that you can see how we work and interpret the grape, to produce and create our wines. Wine and cavas that we want you to try on your visit

You will see that we always encourage the local economy, we will always recommend places where you can enjoy great cuisine and rural lodging in the area. Now you only have to choose a package that best suits you and your needs.

To visit the winery it's essential that you reserve in advance.
Call us or write to us

Enoturismo: Visita bodega en Requena (Valencia)

96 232 05 70

96 232 05 70

To visit the winery it's essential that you reserve in advance. Call us or write to us

96 232 05 70

96 232 05 70


A visit to the winery with a guided wine tasting of various wine and cavas and a tour of the vineyards. A package to get to know all of our essence.

Approximate duracion: 90 minutes
Adults pay: 9 euros
Kids (6-17 years): 4 euros



We will visit the winery, have a guided tour of the vineyards and a wine tasting of various wines and cavas as well as a brunch with locally sourced, typical products. It's a great way of seeing how tasty our earth is.

Adults pay: 15 euros

Kids (6-17 years): 7 euros



A visit to the winery with a guided wine tasting of various wine and cavas and a tour of the vineyards.

A package to get to know all of our essence.

Approximate duracion: 90 minutes
Adults pay: 9 euros
Kids (6-17 years): 4 euros



A visit to the winery (family essence) + Visit to Almazara Oli Oli.
Price per person: 20€

A visit to the winery (family essence) + Visit to Almazara Oli Oli + Accommodation in Doña Anita hotel (in Requenas old town).
Price per couple: 84€


Poda de racimo de bobal en Requena
August 17 2019

A visit to the winery (family essence) + and harvest first grapes with us

Price per person (adult): 25€

Price per person (children): 20€